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sabato 29 ottobre 2011


E' cominciato un nuovo conflitto fra Israele e Palestina...come al
solito chi soffre sono i civili da una parte e dall'altra... ed anche
perdo una goccia di sangue acido per ogni Tweet che leggo da una parte
e dall'altra, ogni mia ruga diventa più profonda... eppure sono
convinto, da quello che mi hanno risposto i palestinesi che sono
contenti di quanto sta succedendo, che nessuno di loro sostiene Abu
Abbas ed il percorso di pace, ma nemmeno Hamas. Chi ha iniziato questo
scambio che potrebbe diventare guerra, sono coloro che si identificano
nella Jihad islamica di Palestinese, forze fondamentaliste
iperterroristiche che sono sovvenzionaate anche dall'Iran che ha come
scopo la distruzione di Israele. E noi sappiamo che per loro esiste
solo una grande Palestina...inserita nel grande Islam... e questo si
aggiunge al milione di dollari offerto da due sceicchi della dinastia
reale saudita, a chi cattura un soldato israeliano. Ecco perché
sosteniamo Israele!!!

venerdì 28 ottobre 2011

It was the wind of peace di Samar Sahhar

It was the wind of peace that danced along with the heads of the cultivated crops of wheat and flowers announcing a new life and a new hope amongst the Israeli and the Palestinian people reminding everyone that we are all human beings with a heart that is in need of mercy and love and kindness .It was the women from  both sides who were also dancing and singing and coloring the sky with their smiles and laughter .Their souls soaring with gratitude as they were waiting for their sons and  loved ones to come out to a life of liberty ….The family of Gilad from one side and so many mothers ,families ,children waiting from the Palestinian side for their loved ones .We were all born free ,respiring from the ethics of our religions ……wether  Islam ,judism  or cristianity . the love that God gave as a gift to this whole world must be recalled .Diversity is a blessing and should never be a curse .I wonder of why we should all put away all those wonderful ethics of life when we could really use them to build a better world for everyone of us ,for our families and future generations .If we could really imagine of what peace could do to our lives .
To Gilad ,To the Palestinian prisoners I can say that today you have all come to freedom ,you will be walking along without guards and without barred wires, you have embraced your parents after a long time of bitter patience and waiting, it is a dream that has become true .We thank God because this is grace that has been granted to both our people ,let us use this opportunity to put our hearts together for a desire of peace for the future of our children on both sides .Let us remember that we have had an amazing opportunity of revival ,so let us use this to start again to wipe away all hate and revenge from our lives ,to put down all walls and build bridges of understanding and coexistence .
Just like the King of Jordan once said ,”If the land is precious ,then human beings are precious too ,our lives are precious too .”It is very much worth it not to go back to the same mistakes but to think of how to consider a new beginning .Let us start teaching our children of how to live together in peace and harmony ,for education is the key for the future .
It is evident that the palestinian  people have been known across history as lovers of peace and liberty and this vision must continue to exist .To both sides I say” There is no happiness in taking revenge. It is time that we should stop counting tomb stones and seeing bloodshed ,we have gone through so much pain and agony ,it is time to look at each other as brothers of the same land and perceive the suffering each of the other side.“It is important that those liberated and who have experienced so much pain during their captivity must seek justice also for both sides .that  from now on, we create an atmosphere of trust and respect and mutual understanding ,to open our minds to communicate with one another]
May God bestow peace  ,Salaam, Shalom in every  home ,on both people ,the Israeli and the Palestinian .May peace blossom as we continue walking on our path.                                                                                             In Christ,SamarSahhar,      21.10.2011

giovedì 27 ottobre 2011

La lettera di Samar Sahhar alla madre di Gilad Shalit

                                                   To The Mother Of Gilad Shalit .
I would like to start this letter by presenting myself .My name is Samar Sahhar and I am a Palestinian living in East Jerusalem .I was the directress of a boys home in the village of Bethany in Palestine and then I founded a home for girls called the lazarus Home For Girls to accommodate women in difficult situations. Together with my Israeli Friend Angelica Calo’ Livine we organized the bread day for peace to bring Palestinian and Israeli women together.
It was last year and through only blind hate that I had lost my home in which I lived for years and the family that I cherished and loved, I am living separated from them at the moment waiting and longing to be reunited with them again.
I followed with great concern the story of your son Gilad since the beginning of the story five years ago and I constantly prayed for his return home and that of every prisoner in the world to be reunited with his loved ones .Your son is everyone’s son .Every real mother can understand how hard this must have been .Every time I saw you and your husband on TV I felt for you and for your family .There is no mother that would like to be separated or loose a son.
I was also watching the mothers from the Palestinian side and I believe that they are the sufferers and the most bearers from what was happening .The flowing tears of those women were falling silently as they waited each one for her son.
I was touched by  your son being led by the miracle of mercy towards your husband, to  embrace him for the first time after five years ,the word father ,mother must have come out breathlessly, must have been said in the most precious and unforgettable way ,this golden moment with the words mother ,father ,family must have been more precious than all the gold of the earth .I do hope that this same embrace will be enlarged in our hearts to embrace every captive and every prisoner and every person being treated in justly in this world .I was touched seeing many mothers from the Palestinian side hug their children endlessly .Many families were reunited .It was such bitter waiting but ended in bright hope for both sides .
It was a day when many mothers feasted and sang ,it was the day of resurrection and the clouds of darkness were being swept away by the sighs of relief of the so many who saw their loved ones again .In spite of the long distance and walls of separation between us,I am sure that on both the Israeli and the Palestinian side our hearts were united and  had the same desire for everlasting peace ,justice and co-existence between our people .It was a remarkable day with no bloodshed but a day that produced new hope for the future .
I am sending you my sincere congratulations on the release of your son, to you and to your family from Palestine, in the hope that we can put our hands together to build bridges of dialogue and peace between our people .May your son be the last soldier .May our prisoners be also last ones.
May we continue on the path leading to real peace for the sake of our children and the future generations to come ,may we understand forgiveness and always  give each other a second chance .Our souls are thirsting for the pure fountain of peace.
It may be that a seed has been sown now for both sides, a seed that will carry blossoms of hope, may your heart be warmed up with lots of sunshine as you see your son again …and the so many mothers who have seen their sons again.
I would like to recall the words of Januz Korzcak “we are brothers, children of the same earth; we have been preceded by generations that shared a common destiny for good and for evil … long common path .We get our light from the same sun and our crops are destroyed by the same hail ,the same earth covers the bones of our forefathers ……….we have known  more sorrow than joy ,more tears than laughter ,and neither you nor we bear the blame for this .
Let us all work together, let us educate ourselves together.
Peace, Salaam ,Shalom .
Sincerely Yours,

giovedì 13 ottobre 2011

Samar Sahhar e Angelica Edna Calò Livne per il Premio Nobel per la Pace 2012

Noi Chiediamo che, per il Premio Nobel per la Pace del 2012, vengano candidate una donna israeliana ed una palestinese.
Ecco le nostre candidate:

Samar Sahhar, palestinese cristiana, è nata a Gerusalemme Est, ha frequentato l'Università di Betlemme (management), ha seguito corsi in discipline educative in Inghilterra. Nel 1995 ha partecipato al “Colombus International Program” negli USA con un gruppo di palestinesi in missione di pace in Ohio.

Ha ricevuto speciali riconoscimenti per il contributo dato al dialogo tra i due popoli, ed ha dedicato la sua vita a lavorare con i bambini. Ha seguito le orme dei genitori, fondatori della “Jeel-Al-Amal home” di Betania, che è diventata la più grande e più importante istituzione di aiuto all'infanzia in Palestina. Ha fondato anche la “Lazarus Home For Girls”, per aiutare le bambine orfane e le donne in difficoltà ed ha creato a Betania un negozio di fornaio per fare in modo che le donne israeliane e palestinesi potessero fare insieme il pane per la pace.

Angelica Calò Livnè è nata a Roma nel 1955 da un'antica famiglia ebraica e dall'età di 20 anni vive in Israele, in un Kibbuz al confine con il Libano. È coniugata ed ha quattro figli maschi. Nel corso degli anni ha insegnato in scuole multiculturali, in scuole per ragazzi emarginati ed espulsi dal corso normale degli studi; ha insegnato anche all'Università collaborando a progetti miranti a far raccontare agli anziani la loro storia ai giovani.

Si considera un’ “Educatrice alla pace attraverso le arti” e per questo ha dato vita alla Fondazione Beresheet. Ha allestito con il Teatro Comunitario della Galilea (la compagnia teatrale dell’Arcobaleno composta di ragazzi ebrei, cristiani, musulmani, arabi, drusi) uno spettacolo di mimo e danze che racconta cosa passa per la mente di un adolescente che vive in un paese in guerra. Angelica è convinta che l'educazione sia il mezzo più importante per costruire la pace, che Ebrei ed Arabi possono vivere insieme.


My name is Ettore Lomaglio Silvestri, and I decided to dedicate my
life to peace between Israel and Palestine. I do this in different
ways, through public events, publishing and more. My latest initiative
is the appeal for the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize to two beautiful women,
of which one is my friend for many years, one Israeli and one
I posted this petition on a website where you can enter your signature.
If you are interested, go to this link and subscribe....

Ettore Lomaglio Silvestri
Committee for Peace

This is the text of the petition.

We ask that, for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012, candidates are a
Palestinian and an Israeli woman.
Here are our candidates:

Sahhar Samar, a Palestinian Christian, was born in East Jerusalem, he
attended the University of Bethlehem (management), has taken courses
in educational disciplines in England. In 1995 he participated in the
"Columbus International Program" in the U.S. with a group of
Palestinians on a peace mission in Ohio.

He received special recognition for his contribution to the dialogue
between the two peoples, and has dedicated his life to working with
children. He followed the footsteps of their parents, founders of the
"Al-Amal Jeel-home" in Bethany, which has become the largest and most
important institution of assistance to children in Palestine. He also
founded the "Lazarus Home For Girls", to help orphaned children and
women in difficulty and has created a store in Bethany bakery to make
sure that the Israeli and Palestinian women could make bread together
for peace.

Angelica Calo Livni was born in Rome in 1955 by an old Jewish family
and the age of 20 years living in Israel, a kibbutz on the border with
Lebanon. Is married and has four sons. Over the years he has taught in
multicultural schools, schools for children in marginalized and
expelled from the normal course of studies, has also taught at the
University collaborating on projects aimed at older people to tell
their story to the young.

He considers himself a '"peace education through the arts" and this
has given rise to the Foundation Beresheet. He has set up the Community
Theatre of Galilee (the theater company composed of young men of the
Rainbow Jews, Christians, Muslims, Arabs, Druze) of mime and dance
spectacle that tells what goes through the mind of a teenager who
lives in a country war. Angelica is convinced that education is the
most important means to build peace, that Jews and Arabs can live

اسمي إتوري Lomaglio سيلفستري ، وقررت أن تكرس بلاديالحياة الى سلام بين اسرائيل وفلسطين. أفعل ذلك في مختلفالطرق ، من خلال المناسبات العامة والنشر وأكثر من ذلك. مبادرة بلدي آخرهو نداء للحصول على جائزة نوبل للسلام 2012 لاثنين من النساء الجميلات ،الذي هو واحد صديقي لسنوات عديدة ، واحدة إسرائيلية واحدةالفلسطينية.لقد قمت بإرسال هذه العريضة على شبكة الانترنت حيث يمكنك إدخال توقيعك.إذا كنت مهتما ، انتقل إلى هذا الرابط واشترك....


هذا هو نص العريضة.

نحن نطلب ذلك ، لجائزة نوبل للسلام في عام 2012 ، والمرشحين همفلسطينية واسرائيلية.هنا مرشحينا :

ولدت سمر سحار ، وهو مسيحي فلسطيني في القدس الشرقية ، وقال انهوحضر في جامعة بيت لحم (الإدارة) ، واتخذت المقرراتفي التخصصات التعليمية في انكلترا. في عام 1995 شارك في"البرنامج الدولي كولومبوس" في الولايات المتحدة مع مجموعة منالفلسطينيون في مهمة سلام في ولاية أوهايو.
تلقى تقديرا خاصا لمساهمته في الحواربين الشعبين ، وكرس حياته للعمل معالأطفال. ثم انه على خطى آبائهم ، مؤسسووعلمت "أمل جيل المنزل" في بيت عنيا ، والتي أصبحت أكبر وأكثرمهمة المؤسسة لتقديم المساعدة للأطفال في فلسطين. كما انهأسست "لازاروس الرئيسية للبنات" ، لمساعدة الأطفال اليتامى وخلقت المرأة في الصعوبة ومتجر في بيت عنيا المخابز لجعلتأكد من أن المرأة الإسرائيلية والفلسطينية قد يجعل الخبز معامن أجل السلام.
ولدت ليفني انجليكا كالو في روما في عام 1955 من قبل عائلة يهودية قديمةوسن 20 عاما الذين يعيشون في إسرائيل ، وكيبوتس على الحدود معلبنان. وهو متزوج وله أربعة أبناء. على مر السنين يدرس فيالثقافات والمدارس للأطفال في المهمشة وطرد من الدورة العادية للدراسات ، وقد علمنا أيضا فيالجامعة تتعاون في مشاريع تهدف إلى كبار السن لنقولهذه القصة للشباب.
انه يعتبر نفسه "التربية من أجل السلام من خلال الفنون" 'وهذهأثارت لBeresheet المؤسسة. وقد أقام الجماعةمسرح الجليل (الشركة يتألف من مسرح الشباب للقوس قزح اليهود والمسيحيين والمسلمين والعرب والدروز) من الرقص والتمثيل الصامتالمشهد الذي يروي ما يدور في ذهن المراهق الذييعيش في حرب البلاد. انجليكا مقتنعة بأن التعليم هوأهم وسيلة لبناء السلام ، لا يمكن أن يعيش اليهود والعربمعا.